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A Day I'll Never Forget

It's hard to believe that it was nine years ago today I was taken by air-ambulance from the hospital in Williston to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Faith was very unexpectedly trying to make her way into the world 14 weeks early. The doctors and staff in Williston knew they did not have the expertise in dealing with a mom with a complex heart condition having a baby born so prematurely. I had been planning on having Faith in Rochester but not this soon! After all, my due date wasn't until January 6th. After getting to Rochester, I was in the hospital for five days hooked up to a baby monitor. Faith seemed to be doing well and I was no longer going into preterm labor. Although I wanted to just go back home, the doctors thought it would be wise for me to stick around Rochester, just in case. The TravelLodge became my temporary home. Faith in the NICU in Rochester, Minnesota where she was born Rob had been going back and forth between Rochester and Watford City. An

Faith's First Hayride

I honestly didn't know if we were going to make it to the hayride last night. Faith had been having a somewhat tough week again and the medication we were giving her for the bacteria in her tummy was causing Faith to nearly throw up. I canceled Grandma coming for grandparents day because I just wasn't sure Faith was going to be up to it. Thursday afternoon Rob went to get her early from school and she was able to get some good rest. It helped because Friday she woke up smiley and in a great mood ready for the day. We promised her that next year both Grandma and Grandpa will come to Grandparents Day since they will be living here! It worked out well for Rob to drive me to work then he and Faith came and picked me up and headed off into the country for Faith's first hayride. When we first told her about the hayride, she exclaimed, "just like Little House on the Prairie !" Well, it wasn't exactly like Little House as the wagon was actually more like a long t

Concerns for Faith

This week has definitely been interesting for our family. I started my new work schedule on Monday and it was so wonderful crawling into bed with Faith in the morning and gently waking her up. When she realized I was in bed with her, she said, "Mommy are you getting me ready for school today?" I pretended not to know how to get her ready for school so she proceeded telling me what to do and in what order. When I gave her a kiss goodbye she had the sweetest smile on her face. Me and my sweet little girl Rob was able to drive me to work since he needed the van that day. It all worked out perfectly and I was so happy to have spent the first part of the morning with Faith. Now fast forward to Thursday. Faith woke up saying she didn't want me to get her ready for school and when I tried to start the routine she became quite upset and demanded me to call the school to cancel. Where oh where was my sweet little girl? Her fit escalated to screaming and yelling for over an

Tuesday Tidbits - Home, Work and School

I really can't believe it is nearing the middle of September already. Time flies though when there is so much going on! It seems that once school starts our schedules go on overdrive! I am very thankful to report that Faith is really enjoying third grade! She is back to driving her power chair at school and it is nice that her classroom is on the main floor so the only class she takes the elevator for is music. She really loves her teacher and this year she has one new instructional aide and also one new special education teacher. The special education teacher she has had since kindergarten had a baby in the spring so she is only working part-time. Faith in her third-grade classroom Unfortunately I was not able to attend her IEP meeting but Rob was able to go and it went pretty well. It is great to know that her principal, teachers, aides and therapists are all working together to help her accomplish her goals for the year. They are going to focus more on learning through a

Celebrating Ten Years

In the year 2000 I rededicated my life to Jesus while living here in Bismarck, North Dakota. Just two months later I moved to North Carolina with my sister, Tesa. While in North Carolina, I made the decision to not do the dating thing and prayed that God would lead me to the man I was to marry. To my amazement, that man happened to be living in my hometown of Watford City. I met him while going home for a long weekend just before my 28th birthday. In April of 2002, I moved back home and one day while Rob and I were driving home from having dinner in Killdeer, we saw the most magnificent double rainbow while going through the Badlands. It was an unspoken sign to both of us that we were meant to be together. We married on September 7, 2002 on the edge of those same Badlands in a little country church. In December we drove all the way to Toronto, Ontario - Rob's hometown - for a second wedding reception.Our life was a little crazy when we first got married as we were trying to r

10 Ways Working Moms Can Volunteer at School

Guest Post by Carol Watson of When children are young there is a lot of parent participation that’s encouraged through classroom parties and events because kids are still learning how to be away from home.  Most kids want their moms to be able to volunteer at the school for these events so that they can still see their mom in the hallway or at the class party. However it’s not always feasible for working moms to volunteer onsite regularly.  Fear not, there are ways that you can volunteer, even if you work full-time. Check out these 10 ways that working moms can volunteer at school: Coordinate class parties through e-mail.  Technology makes it much easier to plan events these days.  The teacher may send home flyers asking for snacks and craft supply donations.  Consider volunteering to coordinate these donations; this is an easy task to accomplish over e-mail or phone, and allows you to still participate in some way with the party.    Cut out or prepare

First Day of Third Grade

Faith is wide awake at 8:00 a.m. ready to get going on her first day of school But before getting up, she has to get in one final stretch Wow that was fast! Faith is all dressed and ready to go! I am so happy that Faith is all smiles and excited to go back to school! Daddy is very proud of his big girl! So cool and ready for school! The bell was ringing and Faith said, "I don't want to be late!"