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Faith is growing. It's been two years this month that she has had her current wheelchair and now it's time for some major adjustments. Since first getting her chair, she has probably grown five inches in her trunk alone. She's ready for a new seat and a new backrest and also a new harness. Another thing she is growing out of is the orthotics she wears on her feet. Soon, she'll be fitted for a new pair but in the meantime, she had some extensions put on so that her toes wouldn't be sticking out of them! She's also ready for the next size up in diapers, but oops! They don't make anything bigger than a size six so we've been trying out some extra small children's briefs that seem to fit her well. I must say, I would love to see the day she no longer has to wear any type of diaper or brief and this summer might be a good time to see if she can be potty trained. I know of other kids with cp who were trained around 8 years old. Hopefully her muscles wi

Faith's First Bus Ride Ever!

For kids at school in Bismarck, today marked the official end of Christmas vacation. But for Faith, it wasn't just any ordinary back-to-school day - she started the New Year off by taking the bus to school! It was her first bus ride EVER! I could tell she was a little nervous this morning about her big adventure. We waited downstairs in our lobby for about five minutes then it was there - the big orange school bus. I rolled her outside and turned her backwards so they could get her situated onto the lift. When the lift began going up, Faith began to relax and even smiled. Faith getting loaded onto the bus Once she was in the bus, they locked her chair in place and I hurried down to the school to meet her. As I hoofed it down over the snow-covered sidewalks, I was thankful that today was the day Faith started taking the bus - it would have been difficult to get Faith over the sidewalks with all that unshoveled snow. I barely made it to the school before they began to unl

2010 Year in Review

January We spent a lot of time indoors to avoid the frigid winter temperatures. Faith is enjoying playing PlayStation 3 with her adaptable controller. February Talking to Rob's parents on the computer during the USA vs. Canada hockey preliminary game during the Winter Olympics. The USA beat Canada in a huge upset! Also in February we celebrated mine and Rob's birthdays. March Faith was busy at school in March. She went to Sylvan Learning Center for a Dr. Suess event, went to Mandan for AgDay and also had a school program. April  Part of our Easter celebration included Faith flying a kite for the first time! In April, we also participated once again in the Great American Bike Race with Faith's team, Faith's Fantastic Ten.  May If you look closely, you can see that Faith lost her first tooth! Also in May, Faith treated her me to a Mother's Day Spa in her classroom and she went bowling with her class on one of their last days of Kinde

Tuesday Tidbits

Christmas is over. The joyous holiday ends once again, just as it does every year. And now we will all try to catch up a little before celebrating the start of a New Year. The holidays continue the day after Christmas in Canada with Boxing Day. So on Boxing Day we tried to communicate via Internet with Rob's parents and sister. Unfortunately, Skype no longer works for us, which we aren't sure why, so we resorted to using Yahoo Messenger. It wasn't as good as Skype but it did the trick. We got to see Grandmother and Grandfather, Auntie Johanna and even Joh's new cat, Ruby. When we asked Faith if she liked Ruby, she answered very honestly, "No I don't like that cat." We think she is partial to Joh's other cat, Lucy, whom Faith has actually met in person. Talking to Auntie Joh Also on Sunday, Rob had fun putting Faith's Toy Story 3 Train set together. Yes, I did say Rob had fun. Faith had only mild interest. She would rather play her new card g

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas Daddy and Faith! This stocking was a gift from one of Faith's aides at school. It came as a kit so that Faith could create her own stocking. Isn't it adorable? It wouldn't be Christmas without our Happy Birthday Jesus Cupcakes! Let the gift opening begin! Faith opens her Toy Story 3 Lego Train set! Gifts from my dear Canadian in-laws! The impressive coffee gift basket Rob got from my parents! Spending our Christmas evening at some friends' house WE HOPE EVERYONE HAD A WONDERFUL AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!

Sick Days

This week has been quite the week with Faith missing three days of school due to being sick. She started getting sick on Sunday and didn't sleep well at all that night so I kept her home on Monday. Tuesday she actually seemed to be getting better and I was hopeful about her going to school on Wednesday so she take take part in all of the pre-Christmas festivities at school. But Tuesday night was a horrible night for sleep and we both ended up sleeping until 11 the next morning to catch up. Yesterday I finally took her to the doctor and here she has not only a sinus infection but an ear infection as well. Poor girl! So of course now I am kicking myself for not taking her in sooner. The the thing with Faith though is that even though she is sick, she doesn't act sick. She's still smiley, still laughing and yelling, still her cheery self. If I had a sinus infection and an ear infection, Lord knows I would be anything but cheery! And even when she just has a simple cold, she

Some Progress

We recently received Faith's report card of sorts called, "Annual Goals, Short-Term Objectives, and Periodic Review of Services." Which basically lets us know how Faith is doing with her therapies and special education/academics at school. These are the goals that we set up for her at the beginning of the year when we did her Individual Education Plan ( IEP ).   Getting ready for school  I was so happy to see that in each area, she is making " some progress ." In Occupational Therapy, they have been working on self-feeding. This has been a challenge for her as it involves fine motor skills. She does have some high tone in her arms so she has to work through that in order to bring the spoon directly to her mouth. Her therapist in this ares says that Faith does fatigue during this exercise but that she is really motivated to work hard. One of our goals is for Faith to begin to read. I am so proud of her that she knows all of her letter sounds and a