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This Gift

This gift given to me Seven years ago... Not given swaddled in pink and laid close by my side. Instead placed in a see-through box helping to breathe breaths of life. A single touch lasting only seconds not to be seen for several hours. Seven days later, finally in my arms to hold. This gift given to me so undeservedly... Did God really know what He was doing Giving me this treasure for which to care? Thankful. Blessed. These words do not even begin to express what I feel, what I know, what I have. Tough times, yes Challenges, of course. But still joy And much love. Seven years ago This gift, given to me... My heart, my soul forever changed. Happy 7th Birthday Faith. You are loved!

Pajama Day

Faith was so excited to go to school today because she got to wear her pajamas!

Tuesday Tidbits

This month has been crazy with appointments, meetings and unfortunately for me a bit of sickness as well. Here are some tidbits from the last week or so. Last week I went to the doctor and was diagnosed as having walking pneumonia. She prescribed some heavy-duty antibiotics so along with taking those, I took any opportunity I could to sleep and rest. Now that I have my energy back, I need to make up for lost time especially when it comes to cleaning and organizing! We had our first parent/teacher conference with Faith's teacher. Hard to believe she has been in school for nine weeks already! We met with her teacher along with her special education teacher, her speech therapist and occupational therapist. They all said she is such a joy! She is doing really well with knowing her letter sounds and learning some sight words. She's also doing great in her power chair at school. The only issue they have had is that she doesn't seem fully supported in her chair and they find h

Prayer Time at the Healing Rooms

The Healing Rooms is a Christ-centered prayer ministry Usually on Mondays, Faith and I head over to the Healing Rooms of the Northern Plains for prayer. Every once in a while it works out for us to go as a family. We have been going there ever since Faith was a baby before we even lived in Bismarck. We have become good friends with the directors as well as many other prayer team members. It is a wonderful place of peace and we feel so blessed to be able to go there for prayer. Just yesterday, Faith and I went and were very blessed. In the little "waiting room" we filled out our prayer requests and then the receptionist took them back to a prayer team. I had requested prayer for Faith's left hip. Because of the high tone in her legs, her left hip is slowly being pulled out of its socket. One of our options to help this is to get a baclofen pump inserted that would administer medicine to her spine to help loosen her muscles. It is a huge decision and I am fearful to d

A Thankful Heart

As I sat there, listening to the four of them talk, I asked myself, "How many professionals does it take to figure out what's going on with my pacemaker?" I was thankful for the comfy chair I was sitting in because it looked like this was going to take a while. All I could do was sit there and listen to them talk about me. It's not like I could go anywhere since I was all attached with leads and a big magnet on my chest. I didn't fully understand the terms they were throwing out - P-waves, QSRs, farfield waves, etc. I did however understand the part where they were trying to figure out if my heart was going into atrial fibrillation. This whole mystery had begun in early September when I went to the pacemaker clinic for a routine checkup. A few days later my cardiologist from Mayo called and asked how I was feeling. It appeared I was having some arrhythmia. He wanted me to wear a 24-hour holter monitor to try to figure out what was happening. Because of a few

Faith's iPAD

There's a blog I read called Caleigh's Corner about a little girl with CP. Her symptoms are similar to Faith's except that Caleigh is nonverbal. One of the posts discussed Caleigh having her own iPAD along with a special language app to enable her to "talk." I saw the photos of Caleigh with her iPAD and thought how awesome that would be for Faith to have her own. Then, a couple of months ago, during a visit with friends, Faith discovered the Apple iPAD for herself. I saw her with an app called Pocket Pond and how she could press the screen to make a splashing noise and the water ripple. She loved it! She also checked out a piano app where there are the actual keys of the piano. After she was done looking at it, she looked at me and said in the sweetest voice, "mommy can we please take that little screen home with us?" I discussed the prospect of Faith having her own iPAD with her speech and physical therapists and they both agreed it would a great

My Mystery Girl

Okay, so I've officially given up on trying to get some sleep. Actually, I did manage to get about 20 minutes of shut-eye while Faith was being mesmerized by Caillou. Faith and I have been up since 5:00 this morning. To make matters worse she didn't fall asleep until 11:00 last night. She has a cold and when she has a cold she just doesn't get much sleep. Unless, I found out today, she is at school. I took her to school this morning because she was laughing her head off at Bert and Ernie on one of her DVDs and she seemed pretty chipper, despite her plugged up nose. So then about an hour after bringing her to school, I get a phone call from her aide saying her teacher suggested that Faith come home because she was dozing off in her chair. Faith? Falling asleep in her chair? What? It was hard to believe. When I got her home, I tried twice to get her to take a nap but to no avail and now, at 3:00 p.m. she is still wide awake, just as happy as can be. Sometimes my daughter


Today I find myself struggling. I have been on the verge of tears all day. No, it's nothing to do with Faith. I'm going through a little 'blip' with my own health. Strange, even though I know I have a heart condition, I don't really think about it much. I take my daily meds and that's about the extent of it. I'm more concerned about Faith and how she's doing in school, at therapy, with her digestion, with her stretches, with her learning, the list goes on and on. There is little room to think about me. As is the norm, I think, not just for moms of special needs children but all moms. It all started last week when I went in for a routine pacemaker check to see how much life was left on my battery. It was good news - still about 16 months left to go, which means no trip to Rochester anytime soon for a battery replacement. Then early this week, my cardiologist from Mayo calls and asks how I've been feeling lately. Apparently there was an arrhythmia ca

Class Field Trip to Papa's Pumpkin Patch

It was a little cool this morning, with the temp barely above the 50 degree mark and the sky was threatening rain, but that did not deter these Centennial first-graders from having fun at the Pumpkin Patch! Mrs. Reim's first grade class  Sittin' on some big square bales  The horses were so beautiful and gentle  Who is that peekin' through the window? Going on a bear hunt... Hay Girls!

Our IEP Meeting, A Dietician and Chocolate Cake

Faith loves chocolate cake! What a crazy week this has been. We have had many appointments and meetings this week but I'm only going to mention a few of the more important ones. We had Faith's IEP Meeting (Individual Education Plan) which is a huge meeting involving all who work with Faith at school to ensure we are setting up proper goals for her and working with her to attain those goals. If I count correctly, there were a dozen people seated around the conference table - all who thankfully have Faith's best interests in mind. Rob could only be there on his lunch break so I was a little nervous at first when he wasn't there because I was worried I was going to say the wrong thing or answer a question wrong or something. But thankfully when Rob showed up, my nerves settled. They all talked about standardized testing and how that really wouldn't be fair to Faith considering her physical limitations. In the end we as a team decided to for-go any type of testi