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Tuesday Tidbits

We've been waking up to some beautiful scenery with the frosted trees Because of the snow storms last week, we had a few rough days of getting Faith to school and back. Thankfully, my friend Tina was able to help out with her van and also one of our neighbors, who also has kids at Centennial, was able to push Faith up the hill one day. Rob and I both think that maybe it's time to get Faith on the bus. I thought it would be easy enough, since the bus goes right by here every day and that all I would have to do is make a phone call and it would happen just like that. Not so fast, I learned! On Friday, I had a meeting with Faith's special education teacher and she explained that to get Faith on the bus, her IEP team would have to meet and decide that because Faith doesn't have the necessary transportation to get to school, she will have to be picked up by the bus. Even after all parties agree that Faith needs to take the bus, it is not guaranteed that the bus will co

Just Ducky

Faith has the sweetest, kindest, most generous instructional aides EVER! Recently, the school's 6th graders held their annual rummage sale. I of course forgot to send money along for Faith to buy something so her aides took it upon themselves to buy something for her. During the winter, I normally put these little pink booties on over Faith's orthotics to keep her feet warm, but this year they were pretty tight and hard to get on. The booties are soft and have Velcro on the sides so they were easy to get on her feet even over her orthotics. I can't find any boots like that anywhere and it's impossible to get regular boots on over her orthotics. Well, thankfully her aides found the perfect solution to keep her little feet warm this winter! Her new slippers are just ducky! Everyone gets a real kick out of Faith's duck slippers!

The Great Frosting Challenge

Despite all the great food we had over our nice, relaxing Thanksgiving, Faith and I felt the need today to bake a cake. And since we didn't have any store-bought frosting, I decided it would be so much fun to make our own homemade frosting. I looked on the Internet for a simple recipe and found the perfect one, or so I thought. After Faith and I popped our cake into the oven, we prepared to make the frosting. I asked her what color the frosting should be. "BLUE!" The cream cheese frosting recipe called for three cups of  sugar. The problems began when I tried to mix the sugar with the cream cheese, water and vanilla extract the recipe had also called for. No matter how much stirring or mixing I did, it didn't turn creamy like it was supposed to. Instead, it looked like a big lump of mashed potatoes with lots and lots of sugar. My very first attempt at homemade frosting Faith soon got bored and decided she would like to do something else. I ran to the Interne

Bundle Up!

Fifteen below zero - that was the temperature this morning in Bismarck when I walked Faith to school. And you know, without the wind blowing, it didn't seem all that bad! Nevertheless, I really bundled Faith up so she would stay nice and warm on our 3-minute trek to school. I actually think she enjoys these little adventures! And as long as the sidewalks are clear, I don't mind them either.  Faith all bundled up on her way to school On our way to school Winter Wonderland There will be no pumpkin pie from this pumpkin! 

Some Good News and My Magic Mocha

Despite mine and Faith's major lack of sleep this past couple of days due to her bad cold, which became progressively worse on Wednesday night, we are relieved and happy because of the good news we recently received. In my last blog, I asked for prayers for Faith as she was going to be getting her hip x-rays taken. Just a day later we received a phone call saying that there has been "no significant change" in her left hip. Her last x-ray had been taken in May so in six months the hip has not come any further out of its socket. Thank You Lord, for answering our prayers! Faith has stayed home these past couple of days due to her cold which I think is turning into a sinus infection so we picked up some antibiotics today. Hopefully she'll recover 100% by Monday so she can make it to school all three days next week. I haven't minded staying indoors as the temperature has gotten steadily colder. I don't think it even hit 20 degrees today. With the onset of winte