Two 'B' Words that are Causing Me Emotional Strain
There are two ' B ' words that are constantly on my mind and are causing me some serious emotional strain. B riefs and B aclofen. You may wonder what's the big deal about briefs. Well, it is a big deal when your child is 7 years old and has to wear these large plastic diaper like products that resemble a small garbage bag and seem very uncomfortable. Since Faith has been growing (I know that's a good thing) she has finally outgrown her size six diapers which is the largest size they make. She really doesn't seem to mind them but it pains me each time I put her in one. Briefs seem so much more final than diapers - like she will be wearing them forever and I don't know if I'll ever be able to accept that. We haven't ever really worked on potty training. We don't even know if it is a reality because she may not be able to control her bladder. But now because of these briefs and my dislike for them, that is something I really want to start working o...