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I Believe in Miracles

Twelve years ago in late April, we were given the dreaded news that our daughter had spastic quadriplegia - the most debilitating form of cerebral palsy. 

I will never forget looking down at my six-month old baby, fast asleep in my arms, while her doctor talked about the possibility of her being in a wheelchair as she became older. 

At the time, it was not like me to show such public displays of emotion but on that day I couldn't hold back the tears. In the days that followed I had so many questions. 

Of all the questions though, there was one that I asked more often than others. "Can God heal my daughter?" I came to believe that He could, even though I knew it would take a miracle. 

Faith shortly after we brought her home from the NICU where she had a 73-day stay
By definition a miracle is, "an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God." When a true miracle occurs, there is usually no scientific explanation for it. I love these phenomenons as they are a way of proving not only God's existence but his awesomeness! 

While miracles can take many forms, one of the most exciting is His miraculous healing power. I have heard many testimonies of God healing someone of an incurable disease. I have seen people receive prayer and they were instantly healed. For some, healing isn't always instantaneous but rather a process. It's really however God chooses to do it! 

 Not too long ago I was preparing a message for New Life's Redefinition Cafe service entitled, "Three Things that Can Help Us to Truly Believe 'All Things are Possible with God.'" My second point was that it's not up to us to figure out how God is going to do the impossible. 

As I searched the Internet, I came across an article about a girl who had been diagnosed with an incurable gastrointestinal disorder. She had been in and out of the hospital several times and had to take all kinds of medications. Even though she normally didn't have a lot of energy, her oldest sister had convinced her to come outside and play. After falling into a hollow tree, she went to heaven and returned to earth completely healed. Last week I finally was able to see Annabel Beam's amazing story turned into the movie - Miracles From Heaven. 

Most of the scenes in the movie that caused me to cry were the ones where the mom was doing the best she could to care for her sick child. She had given up hope and even quit praying because she didn't think God heard them anyway. She alluded to the fact that another reason she didn't want to pray is because she didn't want to be disappointed if her prayers were not answered. I felt as though I could totally relate. 

There was a time in my life where I didn't think I'd be able to bear the disappointment of God not answering my prayers for my daughter. When I did pray for Faith, I wasn't praying with belief. I can't pinpoint what changed in me, but somewhere along the way I decided that I was going to believe for Faith's healing and believe wholeheartedly for it.

Faith and I at home after attending a friend's wedding
Admittedly, there are some days I wonder if I should just give up on believing for Faith's healing. But as soon as I get to that level of discouragement, God shows me something amazing. 

One particular evening not all that long ago, I was having one of those discouraging days. A friend of mine had given me the link to a video to watch and after taking a look at it, I began searching the Internet. I really didn't even know what I was looking for until I found it. 

It was a video of a lady who had been healed of cerebral palsy 25 years ago when she was 19 years old. The lady's name is Marlene Klepees and she now goes around the country giving her testimony. WOW did seeing her story fill my heart with hope!

A few people have told me they have had a vision or a dream of Faith either walking or dancing. I truly believe it's possible, and that what He did for Anabel or Marlene, He can do for Faith. Call me crazy but isn't that what faith is truly all about? (Believing first and then seeing). Even though Faith being healed would require a miracle, I truly do BELIEVE.

How about you? Have you ever received a miraculous healing in your body? Do you believe in miracles? I would love to hear about it!


  1. I stumbled onto your blog while looking for information on Marlene Klepees' healing... I just wanted to say, I believe in miracles too �� both myself and my daughter have genetic hearing loss plus other issues, and we are totally trusting in God for His healing. I know He is able and willing. I love that your daughter's name is Faith! Faith is the answer �� All things are possible, only believe ��


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