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Assistive Technology

Assistive technology helps students succeed in the classroom. There are many types of assistive technology to help students with different special needs. In the photo to the left, assistive technology called interactive switches allow Faith to drive her power chair and operate her computer at school. Read more by going to Assistive Technology Helps Students with Disabilities.

A Very Special Visit

Just the other day we had a very special visit from our friends Kimberly and Matt. Kimberly used to do respite care for us and worked with Faith for about 3 1/2 years. They developed a very special relationship. Kimberly is the one who helped Faith make a very special gift for us - our " I love you stinky face " ceramic mug. It was also Kimberly who made Faith think her last name was spelled R-O-C-K-S because they would practice spelling Faith Rocks! While we were happy for Kimberly's fiance finding a job in her home state of Kansas last summer, we were very sad to see her go. After moving back to Kansas, Kimberly found her dream job in early childhood education and she and Matt got married. Throughout the year we have kept in contact with them through SKYPE. Sometimes our SKYPE sessions are over an hour long and Faith and Kimberly found a way to play hide and seek over the computer. And then when its time to say goodbye, Faith cries and tells me how much she misses K

Some Magical Moments at the Park

All week long, Medcenter One has been holding their pediatric therapy sessions a handicapped-accessible park called Magical Moments. Of course when this was being planned, the weather was going to be a key factor. It turned out to be a beautiful week - perfect for playing in the park .  Yesterday, Faith got in her gait trainer like any normal physical therapy session but this time instead of walking down a hallway, she got to walk up some ramps that eventually led to some slides. It was harder than normal because these ramps were at a slight incline and she has never walked uphill before. She worked so hard and as a reward she got to go down the green slide with her physical therapist. She was all smiles! Faith giving it all she's got Keep going Faith! Faith made it to the slide! Going down the slide! When Rob and I lived on 7th street, we used to take Faith to this park quite a bit because of the special wheelchair swing it had. The swing is now new and improv

A Real Joy Buster

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you were flying high full of joy one day then the next something comes along that completely bursts your bubble and you end up feeling totally deflated? This is what I call a joy buster. I had one of these real joy buster moments this past Sunday. I wanted to take our van somewhere so I could practice getting Faith in and out of it and to make sure I could do her tie-downs correctly. We were in the Healing Rooms parking lot when I got her out, showed her they were closed (she really wanted to go that day) and then upon getting back in the van discovered it wouldn't start. Thankfully, I had a cell phone with me and was able to call Rob to come and get us. On Monday we called VMI, the company who put in the electrical system to make it accessible. We thought something might have to be reset or there was a safety feature we didn't know about. VMI gave us something to try and I was full of hope. But it still wouldn't start.

Our Van - A True Blessing from God

Ever since finding out Faith was going to be needing some sort of wheelchair for mobility, my husband and I knew that one day we would need an accessible van. Until that time, though, we knew we would have to make-do without one. After Faith outgrew her regular car seat and needed more support, we were able to acquire an adaptive car seat called the Special Tomato using funds from GABR . Faith's first wheelchair was a pediatric wheelchair called a Kid Cart - which came apart and easily fit into the trunk of our car. But after outgrowing that, her chair became much bigger and much heavier as well. Thankfully, we were able to take the seating system off of the base and then put the seating system in the passenger seat of our car with the base in the trunk. All of this required lots of lifting. Here's how that process went: I knew after her chair was upgraded with a new back and seat, not to mention the fact that Faith just wouldn't stop getting taller, we were gettin

Tuesday Tidbits - Daily Walks and and A Major Fit

I've been trying to take Faith out for walks - to get fresh air for her and exercise for me. We have our little routine that after her first feeding in the morning we go out and about - usually just around the neighborhood. It's a nice time because its not quite so hot - even though some mornings have been humid. Last week we walked to a friend's house and while sitting on her steps visiting, we noticed the sky starting to get dark then felt sprinkles. It's a good thing she only has one step - that made it easy to get Faith quickly inside. After we got inside, it began to downpour. We ended up extending our visit longer than we had planned because it wouldn't stop raining! Rob ended up having to come get us on his lunch break. Faith really liked our long visit because she got to spend time with Molly, one of her favorite dogs  On Saturday, I was excited to finally take Faith to the zoo for the first time since it had re-opened. We really wanted to see the z

Faith's Adventure at Vacation Bible School

Last night after being around some very energetic kids doing activities nonstop for 2 1/2 hours, Faith's response to the whole experience was, "Well that was quite the adventure!" Faith's friend, Chloe, invited Faith to go to Vacation Bible School (VBS) with her at Century Baptist, which is Chloe's family's home church. The theme this year was PandaMania "Where God is Wild about You!" Last night's lesson was based on "God made you." Chloe and Faith During the beginning, all the kids (and there were a lot of them) gathered together in the sanctuary to sing and dance and make a lot of noise. Faith was very nervous during this part and she was telling me she was scared. Both me and Chloe tried to console her the best we could but it was just too much for Faith. I took her outside to the lobby where she proceeded to tell me she wanted to go home. I talked her into staying as I knew we would be broken down into smaller, hopefully quie

Sarah Palin's Letter From God

I recently read a shocking article that the country of Denmark is well on it's way to making their country Down Syndrome-free. No, it's not with miraculous medical treatment, it's through aborting babies who are tested positive for the condition. Niels Uldbjerg, a gynaecological-obstetrician and researcher in medical ethics says the number of newborns with Down Syndrome approaching zero is a "fantastic achievement." My question is where does this stop? Are they going to start aborting babies who have congenital heart defects? Spina Bifida? Cleft Palates?This eugenics way of thinking is sickening and disheartening which is I why I wanted to post something on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Following is a letter that Sarah Palin wrote to her family and friends a few days before her son, Trig was going to be born with Down Syndrome. Sarah Palin imagined the letter to be from God. To the Sisters, Brother, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Frien

What a Weekend

It has been quite the weekend. It all started Friday when Faith had her last day of summer school. She had really struggled getting to school the last two weeks because of her cold that just wouldn't go away. She also wasn't sleeping well which made things even worse. She missed three days of school last week but she made it on the last day! And the best part was that she drove her power chair home from school! Her dad was especially impressed at how great she drives. Normally, she has her seating system on a manual base and she switches over to her power base when she's in school. We are hoping to get her in her power chair more and more which will be easier for us when we get our van - for which our loan has been approved! If everything goes smoothly this week we will be getting our van by the coming weekend! On Saturday we told Faith we were going on an adventure and drove two hours to a lake resort called Indian Hills where my whole family was camping. The point of