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Showing posts with the label congenital heart defect

Who's the Patient?

Today was the day I saw my cardiologist who comes to Bismarck from Mayo Clinic. Today was the day of my annual echo cardiogram which is basically an ultrasound of my heart. And this appointment was no different than what my appointments have been like in years past. (Except for the fact I was only there for about 30 minutes as opposed to two hours). It was business as usual when I went up to the pediatric floor of MedCenter One. You see, technically my cardiologist is a pediatric cardiologist. But since babies with congenital heart conditions eventually grow up, there is a need for cardiologists who specialize in adults with congenital heart defects. I'm not sure if the receptionists quite get this. Every time I call to make the appointment, the receptionist on the other other end of the phone asks, "and who is this appointment for?" "Me," I answer trying not to sound exasperated. And every time I check in for my appointment the receptionist looks around expec

The Kindergarten Milestone

Faith received her immunizations yesterday for Kindergarten. On Thursday, she starts school. I, like moms everywhere who have kids reaching certain milestones, am asking, "where or where has the time gone?" One of my facebook friends wrote on her wall that it seems like she just gave birth to her kindergartner. Her message brought me back to Faith's seemingly untimely birth. Instead of being a joyous and happy occasion, Faith's entrance into the world was one of the most stressful and scary times of my life. When I was just 26 weeks pregnant, Faith was doing her best to come into the world - way too early. Since we lived in Watford City, a community of about 1500 people, we doctored in Williston, about 45 miles away. My husband and I drove there thinking my little bit of spotting was no big deal. I remember feeling relatively calm, until we got to the doctor's office and they strapped a fetal monitor around me. I was having contractions eight minutes apart. I wa