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Showing posts with the label accessible van

Family Vacation

I knew this would happen. Ever since Rob's parents told us about their plans to fly from Toronto to Winnipeg, we looked so forward to driving there to meet them. And now, after spending five days in Canada, the fun is over much too soon. Faith gets ready for our drive to Canada Rob, Faith and I made the 420-mile drive on Monday and Jean and David arrived by plane on Tuesday morning. When we told people we were driving to Winnipeg, they said, "That's kind of a long drive." But after driving over 1,300 miles all the way to Toronto in October 2011, this drive was going to be a breeze! And it was. Faith once again proved to be a great little traveler and was content to listen to her music CDs the whole way. Of course we didn't make it in 6 hours and 20 minutes like Mapquest said we would. With stops to eat, gas up, get Faith changed and get her feedings started, it took us more like 8 1/2 hours. Practically the whole way there, Faith asked, "Are we in Winn

A Rough End to a Challenging Week

We made it to Saturday. It has been quite the challenging week.. While it started out great, it just seemed to downhill as the days went by. After having four days off from school, Faith got her haircut on Monday evening followed by a trip to the Healing Rooms where they were celebrating their 10 year anniversary. Me, Rob and Faith all went in for prayer together and Faith received the scripture, "Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily: and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard." Isaiah 58:8. They always write down the scripture verse for us on a piece of paper so we can take it with is. Faith was so excited, she grabbed the piece of paper and yelled, "I can't wait to show Lola my scripture!" Lola is one of the directors of the Healing Rooms and was sitting at the front desk that day. Faith with Bob and Lola - directors of the Healing Rooms of the No

Tuesday Tidbits - Home, Work and School

I really can't believe it is nearing the middle of September already. Time flies though when there is so much going on! It seems that once school starts our schedules go on overdrive! I am very thankful to report that Faith is really enjoying third grade! She is back to driving her power chair at school and it is nice that her classroom is on the main floor so the only class she takes the elevator for is music. She really loves her teacher and this year she has one new instructional aide and also one new special education teacher. The special education teacher she has had since kindergarten had a baby in the spring so she is only working part-time. Faith in her third-grade classroom Unfortunately I was not able to attend her IEP meeting but Rob was able to go and it went pretty well. It is great to know that her principal, teachers, aides and therapists are all working together to help her accomplish her goals for the year. They are going to focus more on learning through a

Celebrating Ten Years

In the year 2000 I rededicated my life to Jesus while living here in Bismarck, North Dakota. Just two months later I moved to North Carolina with my sister, Tesa. While in North Carolina, I made the decision to not do the dating thing and prayed that God would lead me to the man I was to marry. To my amazement, that man happened to be living in my hometown of Watford City. I met him while going home for a long weekend just before my 28th birthday. In April of 2002, I moved back home and one day while Rob and I were driving home from having dinner in Killdeer, we saw the most magnificent double rainbow while going through the Badlands. It was an unspoken sign to both of us that we were meant to be together. We married on September 7, 2002 on the edge of those same Badlands in a little country church. In December we drove all the way to Toronto, Ontario - Rob's hometown - for a second wedding reception.Our life was a little crazy when we first got married as we were trying to r

Grandparents at a Distance

Grandfather and Grandmother spending time with Faith  Guest Post by David Bousfield Cari, our daughter-in-law, has asked me to write up an article for her blog. Not being a blog-writer myself, this has been something of a new experience for me. I do trust that your reading of this will be worth your while. How our son Robert found himself living and working in Watford City, North Dakota , is a complex story. Robert had lived and worked for a time in Regina, Saskatchewan, thus we had some preparation for his wanting to move back to the west, although we thought that his move would be a move back to Regina.   That Robert met up with Cari in Watford City did not entirely surprise Jean and me. With other family members plus friends from Green Bay, Wisconsin, we were able to get to the wedding and meet up with Cari’s family and friends. We have lived in a number of smaller Ontario towns, but for the most part we are big-city people, the greater part of our lives be

Goodbye to Our Special Tomato

Today we said goodbye to our Special Tomato adaptive car seat. And special it was. It helped Faith stay safe and secure in our Hyundai driving her back and forth to therapy appointments, shopping excursions and many other activities. It also helped us through our time of not being able to afford an accessible van. Like all adaptive equipment , the special car seat was expensive and although it is the law that a child is secured in a car seat while traveling in a vehicle, neither health insurance nor Medicaid would pay for it. Thankfully, we were able to receive funds from the fundraiser, the Great American Bike Race ( GABR ) which helps families pay for services and equipment that insurance doesn't cover for kids with cerebral palsy and related disabilities.  After doing research on the Internet and talking to Faith's physical and occupational therapists, we decided to go for the Special Tomato adaptive car seat. You would think something with that name would be r

The Bousfields Big Trip

First of all, I feel totally guilty for neglecting my blog and I cannot believe it has taken me so long to be able to play catch up. We recently drove our van all the way to Toronto and back home again - and logged 2,885 miles in doing so. When I told Faith's teacher that she would be missing school for eight days as a result of our vacation, she asked if we would do a travel journal so Faith could share it with her class. Here is that journal that she got to share with her class on her 8th birthday which was this past Tuesday. On Saturday, October 8, 2011 me and my mom and dad left from Bismarck, North Dakota and drove in our van all the way to Toronto, Ontario Canada.  Faith is all settled in and ready to do some serious traveling! Canada is another country and is often called “our neighbor to the north” but to get to Toronto we always kept driving east. This is where my dad is from so we went to see my grandparents who live there along with other friends and relatives. I

Our Spur of the Moment Trip

This past weekend we took a trip that was sort of spur of the moment. We have been wanting to take a little trip to see how we do traveling in our van so we decided to venture to - where else - Aberdeen, South Dakota. It took us a while to get out of our parking lot because we kept having to run back upstairs for things like maps, plastic bags, water, and of course Faith needed to be sure we had her personal PlayStation (PSP) so she could watch her videos and listen to her music. Since we were going to be in southern North Dakota, I wanted to go through Ashley on our way to Aberdeen. I used to live and work there so I just thought it would be kind of fun to see the little community 13 years later. We ended up missing the turn to Highway 11, and then we had to detour because of road construction which lead us to Eureka, South Dakota. Rob was thrilled because he is a big fan of the Sci-Fi TV show, Eureka , which actually takes place in Oregon but is filmed in Vancouver, British Colum