Is Faith Turning into a Homebody?

Faith and daddy happy at home
Lately it seems that Faith is becoming more and more of a homebody, meaning she likes to stay home more than she likes to go out. 

I'm not really sure if it is a good thing she is turning into such a homebody - I think her dad is having an influence on her because I know she doesn't get it from me!

Take this weekend for instance. My sister Tesa and her boys were coming back through Bismarck from Watford City on their way home to Nebraska (lots of geography in that sentence, I know) and planned on staying over in Bismarck. 

At first, Rob, Faith and I were planning on meeting them along with my mom and aunt for supper. But then, Rob laid down to take a nap so I thought just me and Faith would go. At the last minute, Faith decided she didn't want to go and told me to just go by myself.

This was partly understandable considering she hadn't slept well for two nights in a row plus Michelle had come over yesterday morning and they did their usual activities galore, including going to rummage sales. I was a little disappointed to meet my family for dinner by myself, but I also didn't think it was worth the battle to get Faith to go when she really didn't have to go out.

Two places she does usually want to go are the Healing Rooms and church. But this morning while getting ready for church, she told me once again that I should go by myself because she didn't want to go. 

When I told her all three of us were going to church, she began to throw a fit, so I put her in a time out. We had invited my mom to come to church with us and as soon as Faith heard her grandma talking in the living room, all the sudden Faith decided we all needed to hurry to get to church.

Grandma and Faith at Brunos Pizza after her gigglefest
After church, Faith was all about going out to lunch at Bruno's Pizza. While at the restaurant, Faith had a huge giggle fit that went on for about 20 minutes. I told her, "See Faith isn't it fun getting out and about!" 

This usually seems to be the case - it may at times be a battle to get her out the door but once she is, she realizes she's having fun.

I don't know how I ended up with two people who are such homebodies, and I really don't understand why it's so great to be home all the time. 

I do know that I'm glad to have a husband who understands my need to get out and tries his best to make that happen - even if it is all by myself. At the same time, I'm grateful for the times all three of us get out together.


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