Tuesday Tidbits - Faith's Teeth, My Heart

It's been a while since I've done "Tuesday Tidbits" so today with our wonderful winter weather, I thought it would be the perfect time to put together a brief update. 

I mentioned in a previous post that Faith had gone to the dentist. Well in his words "she has a lot going on in there."  Her two top teeth are trying to come in along with her upper molars. She also has four other teeth that are slightly loose. No wonder she's been a bit cranky lately.

According to Dr. Bryce, she will experience fevers along with a stuffed-up nose, extra mucous, and drooling. He said to give her ibuprofen to help keep the swelling down and ease the discomfort.

I find this especially interesting because when I ask the same questions about the effects of Faith's teeth to her pediatrician, he always says her teeth have nothing to do with these symptoms. I have yet to hear of a pediatrician who says teeth coming in can cause a fever. Why is that?

Faith hanging out at home.

I had an appointment recently, too - my annual echo cardiogram. I was glad to hear that things look great. I think I received some sort of compliment from my cardiologist when he said, "Look at that nice interior vena cava."

I'll be going back in July to do another test on the treadmill to see exactly what my heart can tolerate when it comes to exercise, etc. I don't think I'm alone when it comes to someone with a congenital heart defect in that we're sort of afraid to exercise because we wonder if we are straining our hearts or helping them. 

The cardiologist always says, "Just quit when you think it's too much." That for me is hard to determine since I've always been one to overextend myself.

I do praise God though for the good cardiology report! And speaking of praising God, tomorrow I will be giving my testimony to our local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). I'll be talking about the experience I had after my fourth open heart surgery when I was 26 years old and how God used that event in my life to give me a "Change of Heart" both physically and spiritually.

We are finally looking for an accessible van! So, if anyone knows of a used accessible van that is in good condition - please let us know! We have located one in Williston, but the weather makes it difficult to get up there to look at it.  

Some more exciting news - the local magazine, Inspired Woman, recently held an essay contest where we were to write about Who Inspires You? I didn't win, but they are still going to publish my article, which I wrote about Jacey Enget. Be sure to watch for the May/June edition!

I know I have been talking about our terrible weather, but I must remember that at least we're not experiencing deadly tornadoes as the south is. Please keep all of those who have been affected by these deadly, destructive storms in your thoughts and prayers.


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